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Action for Brain Injury Week 2024

Clarke Willmott supports action for Brain Injury Week

Clarke Willmott is once again supporting Action For Brain Injury week this year.

The campaign was created by brain injury charity Headway in 2010 and provides an annual opportunity to raise awareness of brain injuries caused by road traffic accidents, accidents at work, brain tumours, encephalitis and meningitis.

This year Action For Brain Injury week takes place from 20th– 26th May and its theme is ‘A Life Re-Written’.

The campaign highlights how brain injury can affect anyone at any time, focusing particularly on how it throws plans into disarray, changes life goals, and even the sense of who we are.

It will cite positive examples of brain injury survivors who have experienced post-traumatic growth and successfully rebuilt their careers, relationships and lives, outlining the realism of life post-brain injury and how positive outcomes aren’t always the norm. It will also discuss an individual’s “sliding doors” moment – for example the time their brain injury occurred or when they learned of their illness, reinforcing how brain injury can happen to anyone at any time.

Clarke Willmott is a long-term partner of Headway and an accredited head injury solicitor.

Lee Hart, partner and personal injury team manager, said: “The campaign will tell the story of plans gone awry.

“Most of us have at least a rough life-plan in our heads, however, plans can be violently thrown off course either by an illness or accident leading to brain injury. These events will often come out of nowhere and may spark a re-evaluation of life aims and objectives, requiring a recalibration of what is important to us.”

Partner Philip Edwards, another of Clarke Willmott’s brain injury claims experts and an Accredited Brain Injury Specialist with the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers, added: “I have been a supporter of Headway for around 30 years and since they launched started Action for Brain Injury Week I have been a strong campaigner for it.

In my role representing brain injury survivors, I am constantly reminded of the life-changing impact of these injuries and I will do everything in my power to raise awareness and offer support to those who have been injured.”

An instance of this was when the team worked with a client who suffered a significant brain injury from a road traffic accident, and at one point it was feared he might never work again. Through litigation rehabilitation and case management, our team were able to secure compensation for our client which allowed him to purchase a smallholding, which he now lives and works on.

Before my brain injury I had a dream career working on farms never imaging I’d ever own my own plot of land. My litigation has enabled me to achieve my dream and I now own my own smallholding with sheep, chickens and a puppy.– Client

How our brain injury experts can help you

Our specialist brain injury team will focus on the provision of suitable rehabilitation at a very early stage and where possible use the litigation process to meet the cost of this on a private basis from the outset. It may also arrange to appoint a case manager to coordinate ongoing rehabilitation and to ensure that it is adapted to meet your continuing needs.

Depending on the extent and effects of a brain injury, the team can pursue compensation for:

  • medical treatment, rehabilitation and care
  • loss of earnings
  • accommodation (new or adapted), equipment and transport
  • an award for the brain injury itself

Get involved with ABI Week

Colin Morris, director of communications at Headway, said the charity would also be conducting a survey to ascertain how people feel their life stories have changed as a result of brain injury.

We will showcase inspiring stories of resilience and post-traumatic growth, whilst shedding light on the realities of life post-brain injury.

“We hope that as many people as possible will get involved in the campaign and inspire others to support our cause by completing the surveys, and also sharing the stories and materials throughout ABI Week.

Speak to an expert

Further information on how Clarke Willmott’s team can help people rebuild their life after a brain or head injury is available here: Brain and head injury compensation claims – Clarke Willmott

Your key contacts

Lee Hart

Personal Injury Team Manager

Lee works closely with severely injured people and their families, leading them through the claims process and ensuring they get the best treatment, rehabilitation and care so that they can get their lives back on track as quickly as possible.
View profile for Lee Hart >

Marguarita Tyne

Head of Personal Injury & Medical Negligence

Marguarita Tyne is a claimant clinical negligence solicitor who investigates and brings claims on behalf of patients who have been injured during the course of their medical treatment, acting mainly (but not exclusively) for brain injury claimants in high value and often complex litigation.
View profile for Marguarita Tyne >

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