Statement of Compliance – Criminal Finances Act 2017
At Clarke Willmott LLP (‘Clarke Willmott’), we are committed to providing the highest standards of care and service to our clients and as such we take our obligations under the Criminal Finances Act 2017 very seriously. We are fully committed to the prevention of the criminal facilitation of tax evasion.
We recognise the importance of informing our clients, the public, our employees and all individuals/organisations associated with the firm of these values and our commitment to the prevention of the criminal facilitation of tax evasion.
What do we do to mitigate the risk?
In order to demonstrate our commitment and ensure our compliance with our statutory obligations we continue to carry out all the reasonable steps expected of our firm.
These include, but are not limited to:
- Putting in place a policy which covers the firm, staff and associated persons, and their obligations under the Criminal Finances Act 2017. This policy is available to all management and staff at Clarke Willmott and contains details of how to report any concerns. Disciplinary action will be taken in circumstances where tax evasion, or the facilitation of tax evasion, by any member of staff has been proven.
- Updating our policies on procurement, outsourcing, instructing experts and VAT for clients outside the UK, to ensure the necessary due diligence is carried out on all those individuals and organisations who are associated with the firm.
- Continually assessing our relationships with associated persons to ensure they are as committed to the prevention of the criminal facilitation of tax evasion as Clarke Willmott.
This statement will be reviewed annually. The next review is due March 2025.
Peter Swinburn
Chief Executive