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Agricultural disputes

Experienced agricultural litigation and dispute solicitors

Our agricultural disputes team has a national reputation for its experience and expertise in advising farmers, farming businesses, landed estates and land owners on a wide range of contentious matters. Get in touch with our expert dispute resolution team today.

Our expertise in agricultural dispute resolution

We recognise that our agricultural clients need their disputes to be resolved quickly and effectively, with minimal disruption to their businesses. Our specialist solicitors always try to first achieve this through Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) such as negotiation or mediation.

However, if ADR is inappropriate or proves ineffective then we will guide the dispute through the judicial process. Several of our solicitors hold Higher Rights of Audience and the team has in-depth experience of the UK court and tribunal system, including judicial review and forms of adjudication such as arbitration.

Our team of specialist solicitors has extensive experience covering a wide range of agricultural disputes, including:

  • Crime and regulatory matters including health and safety, hunting and shooting, animal welfare, and cross-compliance
  • Landlord and tenant and estate management
  • Property, including repossession, adverse possession, easements, covenants, public and private rights of way, flooding and land management and sporting rights
  • Farming partnerships and companies
  • Proprietary estoppel
  • Contentious probate and trusts (including statutory wills)
  • Professional negligence 
  • Contract and procurement disputes

Our agricultural dispute experience in action

  • Numerous property possession proceedings
  • Bringing and defending proprietary estoppel claims in the context of a farming partnership dispute
  • Handling a large-scale group test action
  • Arbitrations relating to agricultural tenancies under the Agricultural Holdings Act 1986 and progressing ‘special case’ notices for landlords and tenants alike
  • Advising the Heythrop Hunt in a high-profile prosecution brought against them by the RSPCA
  • Bringing and defending claims under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975 by spouses, partners and children for further financial provision from an estate
  • Flooding actions

Why choose Clarke Willmott for agricultural disputes?

With a legal team of our calibre representing you, you can face the toughest challenges with confidence:

  • Exceptional legal expertise combined with strong strategic and commercial acumen
  • Experienced in all courts and mediation methods
  • Practical, collaborative yet robust approach
  • Proven track record of success
  • Experts in bringing and defending actions, providing a valuable perspective from both sides
  • Focussed on securing the best outcome with the minimum of fuss, in the most appropriate way
  • Flexible fee arrangements including fixed fees
  • The Law Society’s Lexcel accreditation for compliance and client care standards

Contact an agricultural dispute solicitor today

Our team of agricultural dispute resolution solicitors has a strong presence in the South West and advises clients across England and Wales. To discuss your requirements, please call us on 0800 652 8025 or get in touch online.

Clarke Willmott has offices in Taunton, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, London, Manchester and Southampton.

Your key contact

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