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40 Treatments You Don’t Need

Unnecessary medical treatments to be reduced. Changing the standards for medical negligence claims. Prostate Cancer. Cerebral Palsy. Birth Injuries

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Read more on 40 Treatments You Don’t Need

A brief introduction to the Pubs Code

The Pubs Code came into force on 21 July 2016 with the aim of regulating the relationship between tied pub tenants (“TPTs”) and their landlords.

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Read more on A brief introduction to the Pubs Code

A question of interpretation – repair or structural defect?

This is a closer look at the Court of Appeal decision in Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London v Various Leaseholders of Great Arthur House [2021] EWCA Civ 431.

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Read more on A question of interpretation – repair or structural defect?

Adultery and divorce settlements

Our specialist divorce solicitors explain whether your, or your spouse’s, adultery will affect your divorce financial settlement.

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Read more on Adultery and divorce settlements

Agri landlords urged to act now before new bill

Landowners who privately rent properties are being urged to act now before new legislation is introduced which will make it more difficult to evict tenants.

Read more on Agri landlords urged to act now before new bill
Read more on Agri landlords urged to act now before new bill

An MOT for your Will?

Our lives and finances are not static so we should not expect our Will to cater for our changed circumstances without alterations being made to it.

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Read more on An MOT for your Will?

Applying to discharge restrictive covenants

We provide a guide to practical benefits of substantial value or advantage when applying to discharge restrictive covenants

Read more on Applying to discharge restrictive covenants
Read more on Applying to discharge restrictive covenants

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