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How to divorce well: What do family lawyers mean by a “Good Divorce”?

The phrase “Good Divorce” will undoubtedly mean different things to different people. When family lawyers talk about a “Good Divorce” they are generally referring to a separating couple’s ability to work together to achieve a fair outcome for everyone involved, setting aside their differences, communicating effectively, and putting their children’s feelings and futures ahead of any bitterness towards each other. This is of course much easier said than done, and there are many factors which influence to what extent this is possible, or indeed what works for each individual couple.

Separation, including divorce, and dealing with the consequential issues arising from it (finances and child arrangements being the two most obvious) is extremely emotional, stressful and difficult even for the most prepared. As such, it is important that separating couples can access the support and advice they need both from the start and throughout this crucial time.

This support can come in many forms, such as input from a counsellor or financial adviser, but crucially includes legal advice, which can seem daunting and bewildering at times. However, it is vital that individuals take this guidance at the earliest possible stage, so that options can be reviewed and to enable positive initial discussions to take place. Timely advice will help to shape how both individuals approach the case, impacting on the time it takes to resolve matters, the amount of money spent on legal costs, and most crucially, the emotional impact on those involved.

How can we help?

The family team at Clarke Willmott are committed to getting to know our clients and what they want to achieve from the outset. We believe it is essential to review the options available for achieving solutions and settlements, before deciding on the most appropriate course of action for each individual case. These options could include solicitor negotiations, round table meetings, mediations, arbitration and collaborative ways of working. We are members of Resolution, the national body of family lawyers committed to resolving disputes constructively and we seek to work in this way with our clients, their ex-partners, and all third parties wherever possible.

The Resolution “Code of Practice” is at the forefront of our minds when dealing with all types of family law matters. We listen to all involved and treat our clients and their ex-partners with respect. We work to reduce conflict and confrontation and to provide honest and effective advice. That said, we do accept that in some scenarios, it may be necessary to issue a Court application either as a last resort, or to protect our clients’ position, and if this is the case, we will do so fairly, robustly and effectively.

As recently released statistics show, the numbers of divorces are on the increase, and people’s decisions to separate will have been further affected by the impact of COVID-19. Disputes in relation to arrangements for children are also on the rise. It has also been a time when individuals and families look to review financial arrangements for the future. The family team at Clarke Willmott are very much open for business and are here to support our clients, albeit remotely for the time-being.

It is important to take advice at the earliest possible opportunity as guidance can be invaluable even if you have not yet decided that your relationship is at an end. Being in receipt of honest and realistic legal advice from the outset can have a positive impact and help you to deal with issues constructively. Please do contact us for a confidential initial consultation. You can read about the range of services that the Clarke Willmott family team offers on our website.

We are supporting Resolution’s Good Divorce Week which runs from 30 November to 4 December 2020. Please keep an eye on our social media channels for daily insights into what makes the Clarke Willmott family team such good divorce lawyers.


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