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The importance of training your employees

Training is an essential part of ensuring that managers/supervisors handle staffing issues in the right way and employees know what is expected of them. This is where we can help.

Our training is designed to be sector and business specific, so we can focus on your main issues. It’s important to us that your employees can identify with the topics we discuss so our team of lawyers and HR Consultants draw upon their many years of experience, and most interesting case studies, to ensure the content is relevant to your business. Topics we can cover include:


  • Interviewing job candidates
  • Making a job offer
  • Work experience
  • References
  • Induction
  • Advertising jobs
  • Agency temps

Discipline and Grievance

  • Misconduct
  • Timekeeping
  • Conducting an investigation
  • Bullying and harassment
  • Grievances

Employee Health

  • Supporting employees through the
  • Creating a working environment for
    good mental health
  • Supporting an employee with mental
    health concerns
  • Return-to-work meetings after short-term
    sickness absence
  • Short-term sickness
  • Long-term sickness
  • Stress


  • Giving and receiving feedback
  • Communicating with your team
  • Handling difficult conversations

Employee performance

  • Probationary periods
  • Managing poor performance
  • Appraisals

Employee relations

  • Collective redundancies
  • TUPE transfers
  • Employee motivation

Equality, diversity and inclusion

  • Age discrimination
  • Discrimination law – the basics:
    discriminatory behaviour
  • Discrimination law – the basics:
    protected characteristics
  • Unconscious bias
  • Disability discrimination
  • Bullying and harassment

Work organisation and work patterns

  • Managing hybrid/flexible workers
  • Flexible working requests
  • Part-time workers
  • Managing a remote sales team
  • Job-sharers

Family-friendly rights

  • Flexible working requests
  • Maternity leave and pay
  • Paternity leave and pay
  • Ordinary parental leave
  • Maternity rights in specific situations
  • Time off for dependants

Working time and annual leave

  • Annual leave
  • Night working
  • Hours of work

Protecting the business

  • Whistleblowing

Termination of employment

  • Individual redundancies
  • Collective redundancies
  • Retirement
  • Resignations

New line managers

  • Introduction to line management – covering key leadership and management skills, how to motivate a team and set expectations, how to communicate effectively, how to self manage.

Training sessions for managers and staff

All attendees will receive a focused toolkit attendee pack. We will also refer to your own policies on the training topic during the session to improve awareness and use of these policies thereafter. This also assists with your legal compliance. If you would like a series of bite-size sessions, we can also discuss this with you. The training can be carried out at your site or you are very welcome to use one of our offices if you prefer. We also offer online sessions, including all of the above.

What our clients say

Feedback from our clients who have attended recent training sessions have confirmed that it was:


“very informative”

“really engaging”

“vital current information”

“precise and knowledgeable”

well delivered”

“excellent content”

“well presented, very good information and good group participation”.

“Paula was very supportive when pulling the training pack together, ensuring that she designed the presentation to focus on the key areas we need to cover in a way that our employees could relate to. As a consequence we have run some very engaging session, sparking some real debate which demonstrates the level of understanding the delegates gained.”


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