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Tom Plow


Home office: Bristol
Also works in: Cardiff
Pronouns: He / Him
Tom Plow - Construction Solicitor - Bristol

Tom is experienced in assisting clients to resolve construction disputes through various means and is focussed on achieving the best possible results for clients.

Tom is a solicitor within the construction team, specialising in contentious construction disputes. Having joined the firm in 2021, Tom has developed experience in a range of legal disputes and has acted for clients in multiples mediations, adjudications, court proceedings, and arbitrations. Tom has also acted for a range of clients, from social housing providers, to private developers, contractors, and individuals.

Tom’s role includes providing legal support on various construction disputes, offering advice to clients on a range of construction dispute issues, representing clients in proceedings, and offering solutions to complex legal disputes.

Recent reported cases include: Raja & Others V Holden & Others [2022] EWHC 3085 (comm).

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