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Our commitment to net zero

Protecting the world around us is important to the firm and we are looking at ways we can minimise our impact on the environment both through our operations and behaviours.

The Science Based Target Initiative has verified Clarke Willmott’s science- based net-zero target of 2040.

We are committed to the Science Based Targets initiative’s Corporate Net Zero Standard and to setting a robust emission reduction target at the pace and scale required by climate science. We project our near-term targets for Scope 1&2 carbon emissions will decrease by 50% and our Scope 3 by 25% by 2030 and are committed to reducing our long-term targets for scope 1, 2 and 3 by 90% by 2040.

Our direct emissions reductions (decarbonization) will be prioritized, and all residual emissions will be neutralized (if applicable) in line with SBTi criteria before reaching net-zero emissions.

We are members of the Business Ambition for 1.5°C campaign – the world’s largest and fastest-growing group of companies that are aligning with 1.5°C by helping to halve global emissions by 2030.

Karen Higgins For more information about our net zero commitment, please contact Karen Higgins, Head of Environmental, Social, and Governance.

Property Portfolio

Our property portfolio

We have reviewed our property portfolio to reflect occupancy demand and environmental considerations. Recent refurbishments and office relocations have allowed us to reduce our carbon emissions through a smaller footprint and making use of energy efficient solutions. Our Bristol office moved in 2023, reducing our floorspace by 65% and changing from an energy rating of D to EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) A. We are also taking advantage of the Bristol district heat network.
Energy Use

Energy use

We are working to lower emissions in all our offices and make them increasingly energy efficient. 99.6% of electricity used in our offices is generated from renewable sources.
Hybrid Working

Hybrid working

The impact of Covid-19 has transformed the way we work with us adopting a “digital first” approach to most of our meetings and ensuring environmental considerations are embedded into decision making when travelling.


We have centralised our print, post and reprographics facilities as well as working towards moving our data hosting to the cloud.
Route to Success

Our route to success

We are working with Green Element, an environmental consultancy, who are supporting us in our journey to net zero. Our Green Steering Group is chaired by the managing director of Clarke Willmott’s Property Services Division and our Green Team consists of passionate individuals across the firm who are driving our agenda at a firmwide and local level.

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