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Case study: delay in diagnosis of testicular torsion

Clarke Willmott were able to successfully obtain £24,000 in compensation for a child who suffered a delay in diagnosis of testicular torsion.

SW, (now aged 13), suffered left testicular atrophy as a result of an inadequate assessment by the Defendant and a delayed diagnosis of testicular torsion.

In  February 2018, SW’s Father took him to hospital as he was suffering with sickness and lower abdominal pain. At triage, a history of lower abdominal pain, radiating to the groin area was given. SW was clearly in lots of pain and was still vomiting. A diagnosis of ‘24 hours stomach flu’ was given. The Claimant was sent home and advised to consume fluids.

SW’s pain did not abate overnight, and by the next morning SW’s Father noticed that his left testicle had become swollen and red. SW was taken to a different Hospital that day where he was diagnosed with testicular torsion. There was a further delay in transferring him to a third hospital where they could operate on SW. Eventually SW was sent by ambulance to the third hospital and was operated on that afternoon. By the time surgery was undertaken the left testicle had lost its blood supply and was black. A decision was made to conserve rather than remove the testis.

The 6-month follow up appointment revealed that the left testis had undergone complete ischaemic atrophy (shrinkage) leaving SW with only a single right testis which was normal in size.

Clarke Willmott obtained supportive expert evidence in relation to this claim. It was our case that with correct diagnosis at the first hospital attendance, SW’s condition should have been diagnosed, and at that stage the testicle could have been salvaged. Our expert was able to confirm that SW’s fertility should not be affected by the loss of his testicle, however SW was affected mentally by what happened to him and he felt very self conscious when in the school changing rooms.

Clarke Willmott were able to obtain £24,000 in compensation for SW, which was approved by the Court, and such funds are currently being held by the Court Funds office on SW’s behalf.


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