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UK Government hydrogen plan launched

Dale Edwards, Green Energy Strategic Consultant comments on the UK Government’s eagerly awaited launch of its hydrogen plan.

Following on from the Government’s 10-point plan for a Green Industrial Revolution, significant prominence has been placed in the role that hydrogen could play in driving the growth of low carbon economy. In the Energy White Paper, a stated objective of producing 5GW capacity by 2030 was announced, along with Government analysis suggesting that 20-35% of the UK’s energy consumption by 2050 could be hydrogen-based raised expectations.

A vision to kick start a world-leading hydrogen economy, which has the potential to support over 9,000 UK jobs and unlock £4 billion investment by 2030, is a significant commercial carrot which could increase exponentially. From a pure environmental perspective, a low-carbon hydrogen economy could deliver emissions savings equivalent to the carbon captured by 700 million trees by 2032, an opportunity that cannot be ignored.

Clarke Willmott welcomed the plan presented by the Government and funding to aid these objectives. In certain respects, the UK could be considered to be ahead of the curve in terms of the production of renewable hydrogen projects. To maintain competitive advantage globally, it will be interesting to see how the plan will develop in the future including the public consultation period on which hydrogen business model will be adopted.

The Green Energy Sector Group at Clarke Willmott have been actively discussing and planning for the future low carbon economy. Keeping clients updated with developments both legal and sector announcements, along with writing articles and hosting and participating in events. One article which was co-written by Peter McHugh, Partner at Clarke Willmott and Professor Robert Jackson a Forensic Engineer titled “A Hydrogen Economy – Navigating a Perfect Storm to a Low Carbon Future” prior the plan being launched, clearly articulates the importance of hydrogen in the green economy. The full article will be in the September edition of Energy Manager magazine and featured on the Public Sector Sustainability Association website, which combines physics, astronomy, and the law is an interesting and insightful read.

Many Clarke Willmott clients have expressed interest in finding out more about how their business could benefit from the commercial and environmental development of hydrogen including commercial and passenger transport firms, engineering firms working in the green energy sector, developers considering district heating schemes and investors to name but a few.

With over twenty years of experience in the green energy sector our cross disciplinary team of solicitors are here to support our clients and achieve their goals.


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