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Roundup of resources for LGBTQ+ couples

For Pride Month we have compiled some resources that may be particularly useful to the LGBTQ+ community.

Cohabitation and common law marriage

Watch this video where Chris Longbottom, head of our family law team, dispels the myth of a ‘common law’ marriage and discusses the rights cohabiting partners have on separation. He explains how a well-drafted cohabitation agreement can benefit both parties.

For more information on this topic see our handy guide on the cohabitation rights of common law partners. The article looks at common law marriage, the rights of cohabiting couples and current and future cohabitation law.

Inheritance issues for the LGBTQ+ community

The law is still evolving to encompass the different forms of family that are recognised today. Consequently, LGBTQ+ families and individuals should be aware of their legal position under Wills, and how they stand in relation to inheritance tax. Read about how inheritance may need to be approached differently for LGBTQ+ couples and families, in terms of children, domicile and gender recognition.

Fertility and surrogacy

Associate Emily Finn from our family law team recently looked at a case that has clarified the law surrounding the granting of parental orders following a private and informal at home surrogacy arrangement. Read more about the case here

Explore key questions to consider when moving forwards with fertility treatment to enable you to consider all options, make informed decisions and ensure that treatment proceeds as smoothly as possible.

Legal arrangements for LGBTQ+ couples

Whether you are soon to be married or enter a civil partnership or have tied the knot already, a pre- or post-nuptial agreement could be a sensible way to protect your pre-marital assets, including your business interests, and can simplify negotiations if you do sadly decide later to separate, dissolve the civil partnership or divorce

Read our FAQ guide on pre- or post-nuptial agreements to learn more.

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